“if only she liked me back, then everything would be okay” (false)
Previously from Part 1:
I couldn’t stop wondering, What had I done to cause her to ghost me? What should I have done instead? What can I do to make her like me again? ……
But these were the wrong questions.
The right questions: How can I feel okay regardless of how others behave?
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was severely emotionally insecure.
When I worked with a counselor on the issue, it came out that I literally believed the only way I was going to feel loved was if this particular girl liked me back.
This is emotional insecurity: fear of emotional scarcity.
What came out of my unconscious was, “I won’t be able to feel loved unless she loves me.”
This explains why I freaked out when I didn’t hear back from her.
It also explains why I was so concerned about “What did I do wrong?” and “What can I do to make her like me again?”
Wrong questions!
Even if she liked me back and we dated, I would’ve still been anxious that she might break up with me.
So the right question was, How can I feel okay regardless of how others behave?
I would have to untangle my emotional insecurities. Example of how I did this in these two posts:
Also see:
Thanks to Stag Lynn, Epistea Residency, CFAR, Alex Zhu, Kaj Sotala, Damon Sasi, Anna Salamon, and many others for support.
Thanks also to <girl> for exposing the zero-day exploit in my psyche.