More about me

I’ve somewhat hidden the link to this page so hopefully only interested people see it. Last updated July 16.

For what I’m doing now, see




  • Understand the generators of synchronous social interaction

  • Formalize moral badness and moral goodness for application in AI (cf davidad)

  • Make psychological growth (as defined by enlightened social interaction) quick, easy, and scalable

  • Retroactively fund people and projects who have helped significantly

  • Family stuff:

    • Have kids before 30

    • Have financial/social wealth for raising kids in San Francisco

    • Urban co-parenting village like Noasis

    • Keep my children naturally enlightened; Learn how to not incentivize them to become unenlightened.

San Francisco events

Stay in touch

I’m also on Twitter @ChrisChipMonk.

If you got to the bottom of this

If you like my online presence, you’ll probably like me and I’ll probably like you. Email me! I respond.