This was significantly more productive than my last 6 months of CBT and talk therapy. —(one three-hour conversation)
This offering has been updated:
pro bono work
Man in 30s (two-hour conversation):
[Because of our session three weeks ago] I have been noticing myself putting more weight on my personal preferences today.… feeling very at peace with rejection after putting attention on… the fear which led to thoughts like 'other people not liking my preferences or accepting me doesn't mean I can't love those preferences and myself'.
Man in 20s (three conversations over ten months)
I'm starting to realize that better alternatives than you are hard to find.
- You're the only person whose “exercises” are so simple that I actually feel agentic and actually do them regularly (and I'm not sure it's an exercise, really). My CBT therapist used [an exercise] there were no perceptible results. The Coherence Therapist I spoke to [had an exercise] I grudgingly did that once a week […]. In contrast, I engage in your techniques at least twice a day, and usually more often than that, and I feel like I get results with the proportion of the effort I put in.
- I used to get stuck on bodily feelings for several months. Since I got the grasp on the technique, I'd say it only lasts until I decide to sit down and take care about it - which is honestly fucking amazing. Of course it doesn't instant-heal, but I can feel progress in my body whenever I want to. That rocks.
Prodan in 30s (one-hour conversation):
after an hour with @ChrisChipMonk I felt a shift like the one from my week-long intensive retreat which cost $11k.
I’ve done lots of self work already: feeling my feelings, welcoming the exiled parts, the AoA retreats, meditation, jhanas… All of the low- and medium- hanging fruit had been picked. The work with Chris helped way beyond that. I was surprised how helpful Chris’ work was in such a short time!